Herbal Face Food Plant of the Month: Lavender


We're kicking off January here at Oma's Gardens with the Herbal Face Food(HFF) Plant of the Month: Lavender!  What is the HFF Plant of the Month you ask?  It's a monthly dedication to the over 100 various plants used by HFF to create their amazing skin care line.  And, a way for me to share with all of you how to grow some of these wonderful plants in your own garden.

Let's face it, there are just some plants in which no matter where one lives, they must have them in their garden. One of my favorite must haves is Lavender!  I mean the smell, the beauty, the flavor and the medicinal qualities of Lavender are as beautiful as the plant itself.  I simply must have Lavender in my garden!   

History of Lavender

Lavender is part of the Mint family and there are around 40 different types of lavender plants one of the most common being English lavender.   It was first collected in the wild in the Mediterranean, Middle East and India.  The Greeks often referred to lavender as Naardus as it was found in the Syrian city of Naarda. The Latin word for Lavender is  “Lavare“, which means “to wash” as it was the Romans of course who used it to scent clothes, baths, beds and hair and the ancient Egyptians used it for mummification. However in India, due to the shape of its flowers, lavender was referred to as Spikenard (this word is so fun I say we use this from now on!! hehe). 

Growing Lavender

Brought to you by Herbal Face Food

The plant of the month series has been brought to you by  Herbal Face Food.  A company I'm very happy to support.  Each of their products are made with 100% plants!  As they say, "HFF is not plant based it's 100% plant powered." Bringing together up to 100 different plants in their products, HFF is the only 100% plant based skin care product on the market.  I do make a discount for any purchases referred.  In turn, I'm able to offer a 20% discount to my readers along with tips on how to use the same wonderful plants in your own garden space.

Leave a comment for me to read so I can learn what you need!