Growing Collard Greens

Harvesting Collard Greens 2025'

Collard Greens in the garden 2025'If one is looking for a cold loving plant that will produce all winter then collard greens are one of your best bets!  From the Brassica family they look a lot like cabbage leaves.  They have long dark green or sometimes green blue leaves and strong stems.  Plants can grow from They are rich in minerals especially Vitamin K and are a staple of many southern menus.  Especially in the cold season as they taste a bit less bitter when harvested in cooler weather.  

Harvesting Collard Greens 2025'

History of Collard Greens

Collard Greens originated in the Mediterranean region going back thousands of years to Greece and Rome.  They ultimately made their way to America and into Southern recipes as a consistent easy plant to grow, ensuring food in inclement weather.  According to ShunCy Love the Greens, Collards are

    • “Rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants
    • Supports bone health
    • May lower the risk of heart disease
    • Promotes digestive health
    • May aid in weight loss
    • Supports immune function
    • Anti-inflammatory properties”

Harvesting Collard Greens 2025'

How to Grow Collard Greens

    • Direct Sow Collard seeds in Fall three to four weeks before the first frost date in your area.
    • To grow indoors, start seeds three to four weeks before the Last Frost date. 
    • Sow ¼ to ½ inch deep regardless of planting indoors or outdoors. 
    • Collards love sun, so when planting them out plant in full sun.  However, If one is growing in the super hot southern states plan for afternoon shade to keep the leaves from burning.  
    • Collards like well draining never soggy soil.  I had the best luck with deep watering twice a week.  Once the soil about an inch down gets dry it's time to water again. 
    • Greens do not need a lot of fertilizer as long as the soil is well composted and filled with good organic matter.  I add fresh Compost from Black Kow once a year to my Collard Green beds. 
    • The primary pest these beautiful plants face is cabbage worms although if in a humid area slugs can also be an issue.

Harvesting Collard Greens 2025'

Harvesting Collard Greens

Collards can be harvested when the leaves reach 6 inches long.  Some tend to think they are the best at a cap of 8 inches however I've harvested up to 10 .   If harvesting the entire patch, clip the stem from the bottom and take all the leaves on the stem.  Those living in zones 5 or above leave the roots in the ground and they should return!  When harvesting just a small amount and leaving leaves on the plant one should harvest from the bottom. This allows the top to continue growing and producing new leaves. 

Harvesting Collard Greens 2025'


Companion Plants for Collard Greens

    • Marigolds
    • Chives
    • Garlic
    • Onions
    • Dill
    • Mint
    • Borage
    • Thyme
    • Chamomile
    • Sage

Coming Soon

    • Cooking with Collard Greens

Shout out!

  • I'm a Vego Garden Ambassador!  All of the beautiful raised beds you see here are Vego Garden beds.  Visit  and explore all the sizes colors and styles of garden beds.  The choices are amazing and the quality is best in class! And, I do get a small percentage for anything purchased and I thank you so much for that.
  • This lovely blouse is by     Rock Flower Paper  Eco friendly and beautiful from clothes to home goods. Use oma15 for a discount!


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Transform a Garden Space Part 1: Height

Novel Blue Raised Bed by Vego Garden

There are so many ways to transform a garden space and make a garden shine.  However, there are three simple things that consistently seem to work regardless of the garden.  These are:

      1. Height: Creating a sightline with varying heights
      2. Color: Using color for major impact
      3. Texture:  Including plant texture in a garden design

We’ll review these three ways in more detail with a three part series  and focus on the multiple options one has to transform a garden space with height first!

Creating a sightline with varying heights 

A Look at the View of all the various heights in a garden from small to large plants and raised and in ground beds

Varying the Height of the items in a garden is paramount to making a space stand out.  What do I mean by height? I mean making sure there is a good mixture of things with varying height from ground level to sky level.  This can be done with anything from the plants to the containers and even to the fixtures around a garden. Creating multiple layers of height simply makes a space more visually interesting.  And, in lots of ways ensures all the plants and the items in a garden have a spotlight of some sort. Let's look at a couple ways to do this.

Using Plants For Height

Looking at the layers of plants in a space

Mixing low level plants with tall or super tall plants is one of the simplest things to do to add height to a garden.  Take for example the Day lilies growing here. These are  ground level plants and will get no more than two to three feet tall on the shrub side.  They are bordering cosmos and Zinnias which will grow three to four feet tall.  All of these flowers are then growing under Giant sunflowers which will rise to over ten feet tall!  Layering plants in a garden provides a continuous expansion for our eyes. Giving a person something to look at all the way to the sky! 

Mixing in Ground and Raised Beds 

Enjoying the View down the path


A mixture of inground and raised beds across a space is another wonderful way to add height and visual interest in a garden.  Take for example the way this  yard appeared before any beds were added.  The lines were flat, even the areas where inground gardens had been added still appeared flat in the space.  However, adding a single raised bed in the corner completely changed the layout even before plants came in. Adding a taller raised bed along the fence line changed things.   All of a sudden there were three levels of items to look at and grow in.  Plants at the ground layered with height, plants raised up.  This can be seen in the far back corner as well.  All plants were at the ground level. Having a mix simply makes the space look and feel more interesting.  

Note all my raised beds are from Vego Garden!

Using Potted Plants or a mix of pots 

Playing with Various Shapes of Planters

Once the layers of plants and various raised beds have been decided, pulling pots into the mix can really add flair. One can simply have fun with pots.  From shapes and sizes that are small and round to square or long pots are simply fun.  Take for example the two Vego Garden Planters added the top of the shelter above the raised bed  Simply adding these two pots pulled even more height to the mix,  The raised space now ladders the eyes up another layer and shows a blast of green surrounding the raised beds below it.  

Using arbors or Teepees

Arbors or teepees can transform any garden right away!  After all they are tall and have shapes and colors of their own allowing plants to climb up them.  All of a sudden what was on the ground can sore into a space giving shadows and visuality that just wasn't there before.  so never hesitate to add a Arbor for plants to give height to an area.

In Conclusion

Using height in a garden with beds and pots or inground plants is a wonderful way to help a space shine.  Come back and we will look at tips for the second item Color; and, how color can transform a space.  While your reading, here are some of the other blogs that can help you with growing the plants seen in this space.  Ill be adding more soon so check back often.

Growing Lavender

Growing Potatoes

The Planning

Growing Skyscraper Sunflowers



Growing Garlic

There are few smells as well-known as garlic!  The aroma itself brings happiness and growing garlic is so much better as the flavor of fresh garlic cannot be beat!


Categories of Garlic

Although there are many different kinds of garlic most can be classified in two distinct categories known as Soft Neck and Hard Neck.

Soft neck garlic:

Soft neck garlic has stronger white outer layers of skin that makes them best for long periods of storage.  These are often found in grocery stores or markets. Soft neck garlic does not have the long flowering stems found on hard neck garlic.  This feature makes them better for braiding and they actually grow best in milder winter areas.

Hard neck garlic:  

True to its name, hard neck garlic sends out a long woody flowering stem that generates edible scapes.  Hard neck is also cold weather hardy so it’s best for areas that have stronger winters. In contrast to soft neck, it has a thinner more papery skin that is easier to peel.  However, this thinner skin means that it will not store as long as your soft neck varieties.

Elephant garlic is often listed as its own category; however, it is not. It does fit within either the soft neck or the hard neck varieties yet it is worth a call out as it produces the largest of the bulbs with only 4 to 6 bulbs per garlic head and has the mildest of the flavors.    

Growing Garlic

Garlic is one of the easiest plants to grow with very few enemies.  In addition it offers some of the best natural protection making it a great companion plant for a large range of plants.  One can have the best crops by following these simple tips

  • Plan to plant your garlic in the fall.  Allow for approximately 4 to 6 weeks before your first cold spell hits your area.  Garlic be grown in early January; however its best in fall for two reasons: 1: garlic really needs a cold spell to set well and planting in the winter ensures this process.  2:  they need to have strong established roots by spring so that the plant can then focus on a large healthy garlic head.
  • Garlic takes approximately 6 months to fully form. This means once planted in fall they will be in your beds throughout your spring growing period.  As such, choose your location wisely.  Think about the plants you plan to grow in spring knowing you will be planting around them during this time.  
  • Grow garlic in full sun locations.  For heavy heat areas plan for some spots with some shade in the hottest parts of the day.



  • Separate your bulbs from the head, leave the paper skin on them and plant them within 2 days of separation.  Make sure you select the largest and healthiest bulbs from each garlic head.


  • Plant in well-drained soil with good organic matter making sure you have worked the soil so that its soft and pliable for your garlic to grow in. Place a bit of Epsom and bone mill or fish fertilizer in the soil prior to dropping them in!  
  • Dig the holes approximately 2-4 inches deep.  Sites will state to list them 6 inches apart. I have pushed this at times and planted them 3 inches apart.  I would not recommend any closer as you want the bulbs to have plenty of room to grow.
  • If you planted last year, practice rotating your garlic annually this will deter returning pests to your area!

One may be tempted to grow garlic from the stores;  however, I don’t recommend this. You will not know for sure what type you have or how they were grown. Yes,  garlic can seem expensive at first; however, keep in mind you will get a full head of garlic from each bulb planted.  In addition if dried and stored properly one will be able to use their own garlic for continued growth season after season going forward.

Companion Planting

On a personal note I love to scatter garlic throughout my beds. Growing them where I have open spaces or boarders. It offers a natural repellent for  plants and can deter deer and rabbit making it an exceptional companion plant.  Here I have placed it all along the back in the my lettuce and cabbage beds to help detour pests. 





Pests deterred by garlic

  • Gnats
  • Spider Mites
  • Aphids
  • Snails
  • Ants

Plants that benefit from garlic

  • Fruit trees
  • Corn
  • Dill
  • Beets
  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • Potatoes
  • Carrots
  • Eggplants
  • Tomatoes
  • Peppers
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Broccoli Kohlrabi
  • Roses
  • Geraniums

Do not grow garlic around

  • asparagus
  • peas
  • beans
  • sage
  • parsley or
  • onions (onions and garlic attract the same enemies so it’s best not to plant them together)

Quick Video On Planting Garlic




Accompanying Articles

Knowing When to Harvest Your Garlic

Growing and Caring for Garlic Chives



Herbal Face Food Plant of the Month: Yarrow

It's time for the Herbal Face Food(HFF) Plant of the Month!  A monthly dedication to the various plants used by HFF to create their amazing skin care products.  This months HFF plant moment is dedicated to the amazing Yarrow. 

Yarrow has become one of my favorite wild herbs. Those who don't have it in their gardens probably are not aware of its medicinal and health benefits. Yarrow provides vitamins A, C potassium, zinc, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and niacin.  Yarrow is also commonly known as  an astringent with anti-inflammatory properties which is one of the main draws  and with all of this its no wonder HFF wants Yarrow in their amazing serums.

About Yarrow

Yarrow originated from Europe and Asia and is now commonly found all around the globe. The scientific name for Yarrow is Achillea millefolium other names include common yarrow (the white wild Yarrow), nosebleed plant or soldier's wound wort.   Several of these names tell us clearly that one of the benefits of Yarrow is blood and wound dressing.   Dr. Nicole Apelian describes Yarrow in her book, The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies as, “nature's tourniquet.” 

Yarrow comes in several colors from white to light pinks and purples to red and yellow. has a great list of specific types including their colors!   I have read however that common Yarrow, that grows wild with white flowers is the best and strongest for medicinal use.  

Benefits of Yarrow

The benefits of Yarrow are so vast, it truly is an amazing plant for skin.  Here are just a few of the uses:  

    • Yarrow can be used in teas fresh or dried for nausea or stomach flues, hard menstrual cycles or reducing fevers (as it creates sweating).  Women that are pregnant should not drink Yarrow tea.  
    • Powder from dried yarrow can be used to stop bleeding (many sites caution not to use on deep wounds as it will heal it too quickly from the inside). 
    • Fresh yarrow leaves can also be used as a poultice for bleeding and the leaves can be used for stopping nose bleeds. 
    • Yarrow helps reduce swelling in bruises, or sprains or can be used as a antibacterial on scratches or minor cuts. 
    • Yarrow flowers can be used in baths for itchy skin or hives.  
    • The leaves and flowers can be made into a tincture with Alcohol or as an oil in olive oil or carrier oils.  It can even be made into a salve with beeswax and infused yarrow oil.
    • Yarrow can be substituted for hops and barley in beer and and mead.

Continue The Journey: Read more about growing and using this wonderful plant:

Brought to you by Herbal Face Food

The plant of the month series brought to you by  Herbal Face Food.  A company I'm very happy to support.  Each of their products are made with 100% plants! The most powerful plants in the world.   As they say, "HFF is not plant based it's plant powered" bringing together up to 100 different plants depending on the product.  HFF is the only 100% plant based skin care product on the market.  Note: I do make a small commission on  referrals.  As a result I'm able to offer a 20% discount to my readers along with tips on how to grow and use these same wonderful plants in your own home or plot gardens.

Growing Yarrow


Yarrow has become one of my favorite wild herbs. I received my first yarrow plants as an act of God.  Yep, I found it growing wild in my pesticide/weed killer free lawn right next to the Dandelions! Once this fuzzy fern looking plant was identified as Yarrow, I knew it was staying and moved several clusters to a designated spot in the garden. It now returns annually. I do still tend to find more showing up in other areas. When this occurs I either move it to its designated spot, pull it up, or leave it right where it is and allow it to bloom.  

Growing from Seed

If starting Yarrow from seed start indoors 6 to 8 weeks prior to the last frost. Plant in ground once all fear of frost has passed.

  • If direct sowing start in early spring after all chance of cold has passed.    
  • Yarrow loves full sun, it can grow in partial shade however will not grow as strong.  For this reason its best to find a sunny spot for Yarrow.  
  • Plant in sandy loam soil. Yarrow can grow in clay soil if water does not stand in the area for extended periods of time. 

Companion Plants

  • Lavender
  • Garlic
  • Onions
  • Cabbage, broccoli, and all the Brassicas
  • Oregano
  • Spinach
  • Thyme

Yarrow is susceptible to Powdery Mildew so DON’T grow it around plants that are also susceptible to Powdery Mildew.  For example, squash, pumpkins etc.

Read more about the history and uses of Yarrow here:

HFF Plant of the Month: Yarrow

Brought to you by Herbal Face Food

The plant of the month series brought to you by  Herbal Face Food.  A company I'm very happy to support.  Each of their products are made with 100% plants!  As they say, "HFF is not plant based it's 100% plant powered." Bringing together up to 100 different plants in their products, HFF is the only 100% plant based skin care product on the market.  I do make a discount for any purchases referred.  In turn, I'm able to offer a 20% discount to my readers along with tips on how to use the same wonderful plants in your own home or plot gardens.

Growing Spinach

Spinach has rolled itself into the favorite winter plants category in my garden.  When picked fresh it is so good!  Spinach is a cold crop, which means it falls into the family of plants that love the cold weather! This makes growing spinach in my zone 7b garden a must!!

One of my favorite spinach's to grow is Gurneys Seed  Goliath Spinach.   I grow this Spinacia oleracea for its amazingly large buttery leaves that can reach up to 8 inches across while maintaining its sweet tender texture.  Spinach can be a bit picky; so, here are some tips for growing this beautiful vegetable in your backyard, kitchen or plot garden. 

    • Sow seeds in cool weather when the ground is workable. 
    • Spinach is super cold-hearted and loves the cold sun! Find a bright spot! Plan for morning shade and afternoon sun in the winter, In spring find a spot with morning sun and afternoon shade as it extends the growing period into hotter weather.

    • Spinach likes well draining rich composted soil.  They use lot's of food creating their thick vitamin rich leaves.
    • Use a consistent water schedule.  Let the ground get semi-dry between watering. They will for sure cry and wilt if you've waited too long.

    • Mulch your babies with fresh leaves or hay in colder weather to allow for a bit of a blanket if needed.
    • Once seedlings reach around 2 inches tall thin or transplant leaving 6 to 12 inches between each plant.
    • Feed monthly with coffee grinds and Epsom salt.  Use a good organic microbes spray.  My favorites are shared below!
    • Harvest from the outside in. Leave the center of the plant to continue producing more leaves.  Or, cut the entire plant at the base leaving the roots to reproduce as long as possible into spring.

Companion planting with Spinach

Beans and Peas add nitrogen to the soil helping with feeding spinach.  They are also taller plants and are wonderful to use as companions in spring gardens. Planting spinach below these taller plants in spring can extend the life of spinach with shade as heat arrives.

    • Cabbage, kale, Brussels anything in the Brassicas family.
    • Lettuces
    • Radishes can act as sacrificial plants near spinach drawing leaf mining insects to them.
    • Marigolds on a boarder offer pest protection as well.
    • Do NOT grow spinach with plants that need dry soil, they will cancel each other out
    • Do NOT grow spinach near potatoes.  Well, perhaps be wary.  Spinach is a shallow root plant so it can easily be grown with spinach and not impact the potatoes.  Potatoes however have a larger pest issue with flea beetles who also love spinach leaves.  Therefore, planting spinach with potatoes could very well create a flea beetle issue with your spinach. And spinach is all about the leaves.

Oma's Favorites

From raised beds to garden boots, hats and everything in between below are some of the wonderful companies I'm happy to support.  Each of these products can be found actively used in my everyday gardens.  If you have any questions about how I use them just reach out.  They have also graciously provided me a code in many cases that provides a discount if you choose to try them.    In some cases I do make a small percentage for purchases you may make.  In turn I'm able to offer these discounts and continue sharing tips for your own home gardens.