Epsom Salt Once a Month! – Quick hit!

Using Epsom salt in your garden once a month is the easiest way to keep your plants healthy!  Epsom is also one of the cheaper forms of fertilizer you can use.  As such, make Epsom a part of your garden regimen and use it monthly! 

What is Epsom Salt?

Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate and both (magnesium and sulfate) are needed for your plants to thrive.  Magnesium helps with photosynthesis, increases your seeds germination rate and reduces shock when transplanting seedlings into your garden.  Sulfate helps with root growth and the overall strength of your plant.  Both enable your soil to maintain its health, providing a boost of nutrients in both your gardens and your potted plants. 

What plants should use Epsom?

Epsom can be used on almost all plants.  Plants like cabbage, onions and broccoli will actually have a  sweeter flavor with the use of Epsom.  Tomatoes, peppers and roses need it even more and will grow stronger with darker leaves and better flower production if used regularly.  Cole crops, squash, flowers and most other vegetables can also benefit from Epsom. 

How do I use Epsom Salt?

Epsom salt can be used as a foliage spray or placed directly in the soil.   I personally prefer the soil as it is only required monthly and it's easy to add it in the garden.  However, I have used the foliage spray when my plants get larger and I have more to feed.

  • Foliage: A good rule of thumb when using Epsom as a spray for your foliage is 2 tablespoons per gallon of water. Spray this mix on your plants leaves every two weeks.
  • Soil:  If using Epsom in the soil use 1 tablespoon per foot of plant height around the base of the plant and work it into the soil with your hands or a trowel once a month.
  • Potted plants: 2 tablespoons in one gallon of water and use this to water your plants with one time per month.

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