The Crinum Lilly is just a classic beauty! It’s long showy leaves and large heavily scented flowers of milky white and wine make it one of my favorite bulbs. It bottom line is next to impossible to kill. It is also one of the few flowers that can do as well in a partially shaded area or a full sunny spot. And even better, the Milk and Wine Lily is the first to bloom each summer and continues to bloom almost all season long.
Growing Crinum Lilies
The giant Crinum Lily is a member of the Amaryllis family and best grown in zones 6 and up as a perennial. Its bulbs can get very large and they don’t like to be moved. Not that one can’t move them. That is actually one of the reasons the Crinum Lilly runs a bit higher in price than most bulbs. The large main bulb will form many smaller bulbs around their giant center giving the owner plenty of plants for moving around their yard if one wants to do so. However, once the Crinum has a home it loves, it will for sure grab hold and want to stay making it one of the tougher bulbs to pull up.
- Plant your Lily in the spring with the Bulb right below the surface. It will dig down as it grows.
- Keep the soil moderately moist until it is established. Once established it will take most weather. I personally water my established bulbs only once a week even in extremely hot temperatures
- The Milk and Wine Lily will produce long tall stems that hold up to a dozen flowers each. The weight of one stem gets heavier as the flowers bloom lending at times to the need for staking.
- Purchase a few of the 24 – 36 inch plant stakes with the loop at the top. Then, place about 5 of them in the ground around the greenery and just leave them there. As the stems start to appear just grab one, loop the stem through it and walk off. Easy peasy!
- Scotts offers a package of 24 Scott 36″ plant props for around 30 bucks. I purchased a pack three years ago and have not purchased any since then. I just move them from plant to plant as I need them.
- Crinum Lily’s can get very large as they mature.
As a result, their greenery or their flowers can sometimes look shabby. An easy way to take care of the greenery is simply to trim it back. They clip easily with shears almost like a shrub making the leaves very tidy and nice looking with the tall flowers sitting atop them.
- To maintain beauty on the flowers snap the wilting flower off the head as they wilt leaving only the remaining fresh flowers on the stem. This is simple to do as one is walking by the plant.
- There is nothing like the smell of the Milk and Wine Crinum Lily. Its fragrance will fill an area. As such, place it in a spot by a window or patio so on those hot summer days that fragrance can be enjoyed with company and a glass of lemon aid, wine or a cold beer.
The Milk and Wine Crinum Lily’s beauty, whimsical leaves, bright flowers and lovely fragrance will make one feel as if they stepped onto an old southern homestead. In addition, their greenery offers a nice texture to areas around houses or in corners even when flowers are not yet in bloom.
Visit Oma’s Store Front and Grab some for your home while supplies last: Milk & Wine Crinum Lily Bulbs
WOW – we have tons of tiger lilys but nothing like your beauties!!
Ahh thank you!! Arn’t they just the most beautiful flowers!!
I love lillies!
Their so pretty right!!!