Home Page

Meet me in the garden, there’s lots of beauty here.  We’ll sit and have some coffee let’s talk, learn and share.

– Oma Garden


Find information on annuals, perennials, bulbs and seeds!


Read about common vegetables and how to grow them!


Information on herbs, herbs and more herbs!


There's More!

Find information on insects, soil  and things gardeners love to dabble in!

Our Services

Visit the Custom Art Corner For Custom Art Pieces for your Home or Family

In  Oma’s Custom Art Corner you can browse completed art to gain inspiration, see what’s currently in progress and request that special portrait or item just for you!

About Oma

Like most of you today I grew up with great grandparents that loved to garden. They didn't just love to garden they spent their lives in a time when the food they produced were the larger part of the grocery bill.  Added income was  found selling their harvests in roadside stands, local framers markets or bartering with their neighbors. Those same great grandparents had a love for art as well.  Their children all did some form of art  for a living and supported their family's with it.    It was not unusual to watch my Grandmothers brother painting, or my Grandmother creating  wooden windmill planters and painting them as we set around a table when I was small.  Gardens and art were woven into the fabric of my childhood.  Something too many children today never get to experience.

I inherited this love; the love for both art and gardening.  However, as with most today neither were for anything other then hobbies.  I was a weekend warrior! Working in an office Monday-Friday using nights and weekends to garden  or paint for the larger part of my life.  I dreamed of ways to design and combine plants into amazing spaces or to be able to simply create art.  In 2018 after 27 years in business I was finally able to retire. I decided right then there was no better time then do do what I had always dreamed of doing, prayed that God would bless me in this new journey and Oma's Gardens was born. 

Oma's Gardens is a tribute to my love for gardening and art; and, my desire to share it with those around me so they may feel the same joy.  A garden is the very representation of art through nature.  The colors and textures of plants and their flowers/fruit create a palate beautiful to the eyes and to the smell and sounds of the world. Meet me in the garden to read about plants and how to grow them or browse my art for inspiration on your very own garden or piece of Oma's art.   

Thank you so much for being here. 

- Oma Garden


Transform a Garden Space Part 1: Height

There are so many ways to transform a garden space and make a garden shine.  However, there are three simple things that consistently seem to work regardless of the garden.  These are: Height: Creating a sightline with varying heights Color: Using color for major impact Texture:  Including plant texture in a garden design We’ll review …